Monday, June 15, 2015

10 Tips For Pain Free Yardwork

Summertime is great for getting back to nature, planting some flowers and "getting a little dirt on your hands." Here are some helpful tips to enjoy the outdoors while protecting your body at the same time. 

1) Start drinking water before you begin working. Then continue during and after work is completed. Hydrated muscles are less likely to become damaged. 

2) Eat light before being in the heat. Avoid dairies/sodas/alcohol before, during and after yard work. 

3) Keep your lawn equipment (mower, weed eater, blower, etc.) close to your body when in use to avoid heavy strain on your back.

4) Avoid reaching out too far! Move your feet to keep your body closer to the object or activity you are performing. Reaching out with weight puts extra strain on your back.

5) Do not snatch or jerk mower chords, take time and use caution. Fast motions are more likely to tear soft tissue.

6) Do not stand with your knees locked out and bend over to pick weeds. Instead, use a kneeling pad or gardening cart that can be purchased at your local hardware store. 

7) Use a blower instead of raking. If you must rake, to avoid back pain make short strokes and keep the rake close to your body. 

8) Use safety glasses (sunglasses). Eyes are not replaceable! 

9) Cool off in the shade for 10-15 minutes before entering a cooled house. 

10) Take frequent rests and water breaks!!!

Be safe and have a great summer!!!

Mark Ware PT/STC