At a time when it seems everyone is trying to take away all of your personal choices and freedom it is not surprising that healthcare seems to be attempting to follow suit. Did you know that you cannot be forced to go to physical therapy at a certain location? YOU STILL HAVE A CHOICE!
In today's world, large conglomerates, insurers, and referral for profit centers will try to "rope you and squeeze you." Don't let them! Choose your physical therapy clinic yourself and choose wisely.
Here are a few things to look for and to avoid in a physical therapy clinic:
1. Check with your friends and get personal references; just as you would if you were looking for a restaurant, hotel, or contractor.
2. Check on or other medical review sites for reviews.
3. Call and ask to speak with a therapist at the clinic you choose or set up a time to meet with them for a consultation.
4. Look for advanced certifications and find out how many years of clinical experience the therapist has had in treating your problem.
5. Avoid clinics that provide "fluff treatments" such as hot/cold packs during your treatment session. You do not want treatments where you are left unsupervised to "buy time" for the clinic.
6. Ask what the therapist to patient ratio is. You want no more that 2 patients per PT per hour.
7. Ask for and expect hands on and one-on-one time with your therapist.
8. Be sure that your insurance and benefits costs are explained up front. You don't want a "surprise" at the end of your treatment experience.
9. Ask about discounts. Many clinics may be able to give you a discount if you file your own claims or pay upfront.
10. Wherever you choose EXPECT RESULTS! If you are not getting better in the first 2 weeks of treatment and staying better, your therapist must have a plan to change your treatment. If not, don't waste all of your insurance benefits with that clinic. Start looking for another provider.