Thursday, December 3, 2015


While many of us are already in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season it can be easy to forget about protecting ourselves from injury. 

From getting down decorations to wrapping presents, it doesn't take much to injure yourself.

Here are a few tips to avoid having a painful holiday season:

1. When wrapping presents don't sit on the floor, put your gifts on a table or bar so you can reach them without straining your back. Even sitting with your legs crossed puts a lot of stress on your back!

2. When getting down decorations from the attic have someone "spot" you on the folding staircase or step ladder. Slips or accidental closings of the ladder can result in a serious injury. Be cautious where you step in the attic. Step only on solid floored areas.

3. Carry smaller loads, don't hurry - you can record the big game, but if you try to "get it done" in 15 minutes, you could regret it for weeks!

4. Wear the proper shoes when going out for long periods of time. "Cute" heals and lengthy shopping trips equal back and hip pain for days!

5. If you stay with relatives during the holidays, always carry your own pillow or pillows for your neck/back/hips. You will sleep better and enjoy your family time.

6. When decorating the tree always use a step ladder instead of a chair or stool to decorate the upper part of the tree. This prevents extreme reaching and compression of the joints in the back and neck. Have someone hold the ladder for stability and safety.

From all of us at The Strength Center Physical Therapy, MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Don't get "ROPED" in!

At a time when it seems everyone is trying to take away all of your personal choices and freedom it is not surprising that healthcare seems to be attempting to follow suit. Did you know that you cannot be forced to go to physical therapy at a certain location? YOU STILL HAVE A CHOICE!

In today's world, large conglomerates, insurers, and referral for profit centers will try to "rope you and squeeze you." Don't let them! Choose your physical therapy clinic yourself and choose wisely.

Here are a few things to look for and to avoid in a physical therapy clinic:

1. Check with your friends and get personal references; just as you would if you were looking for a restaurant, hotel, or contractor.

2. Check on or other medical review sites for reviews.

3. Call and ask to speak with a therapist at the clinic you choose or set up a time to meet with them for a consultation.

4. Look for advanced certifications and find out how many years of clinical experience the therapist has had in treating your problem.

5. Avoid clinics that provide "fluff treatments" such as hot/cold packs during your treatment session. You do not want treatments where you are left unsupervised to "buy time" for the clinic.

6. Ask what the therapist to patient ratio is. You want no more that 2 patients per PT per hour.

7. Ask for and expect hands on and one-on-one time with your therapist.

8. Be sure that your insurance and benefits costs are explained up front. You don't want a "surprise" at the end of your treatment experience.

9. Ask about discounts. Many clinics may be able to give you a discount if you file your own claims or pay upfront.

10. Wherever you choose EXPECT RESULTS! If you are not getting better in the first 2 weeks of treatment and staying better, your therapist must have a plan to change your treatment. If not, don't waste all of your insurance benefits with that clinic. Start looking for another provider.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Difference in Massage and Myofascial Release

Massage vs. Myofascial Release

Myofasial Release is a hot word in the massage and therapy world today.  However, there are several different philosophies and techniques that fit under the same title. So how do you know what you want or need? Below are the basic need to know facts when deciding which form of treatment is best for you.


  •  "Massage" is the manipulation of tissues by rubbing, kneading, or tapping to stimulate circulation, relieve tension, and modulate pain.
  • "Myofascial Release" is a hands on technique which uses sustained pressure at specifically mapped points and along fascial (connective tissue) restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.

What are some specific highlights of each:

  • Massage works along muscle and skin segments for effects, generally involving therapists hand movements to facilitate circulation. 
  • Myofascial Release utilizes sustained accupressure techniques to facilitate tissue elongation at specific neural medians.

Different uses:

  • Massage is excellent for relaxation, circulation increase, and pre-post workout routines.
  • Myofascial Release is more appropriate for chronic pain or symptoms which do not dissipate with traditional rehabilitation alone.

At The Strength Center we are Barnes and Paris certified myofascial therapists. We treat headaches, low back pain, neck, shoulder, foot, leg pain and even voice loss utilizing these techniques. These techniques are fast acting and long lasting, which enhance our hands on approach to physical therapy.

Call us today to set up a consultation to determine how our specialized services can help you get FAST ACTING PAIN RELIEF. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Red Flags In Your Child's Health

A recent scare with my child and the death of some other children has led me to write this blog. If you have a child or grandchild you need to read this.

Recently there has been a rash of E. Coli and other stomach viruses. These viruses often attack the intestines and can cause pancreatitis and/or pancreatic failure. As a result many children develop sudden extreme onsets of high blood sugar, lethargy, coma and even death. 

No one expects a small child to suddenly have high blood sugar so it is easily missed. 

Below are some early warning signs that can help you to determine when your child or grandchild needs to be taken to an Emergency Room. It may save their life.

BEWARE of the following:

1.) Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea that is not associated with fever and lasts greater than 24 hours.
2.) Extreme thirst and frequent urination.
3.) Extreme fatigue/sleeping for long periods of time.
4.) Unexpected weight loss.
5.) Rapid breathing (panting) means a child needs immediate emergency attention.

* If you visit your pediatrician or physician INSIST on blood sugar testing. It is cheap and could save their life.

Mark Ware PT/STC

Monday, June 15, 2015

10 Tips For Pain Free Yardwork

Summertime is great for getting back to nature, planting some flowers and "getting a little dirt on your hands." Here are some helpful tips to enjoy the outdoors while protecting your body at the same time. 

1) Start drinking water before you begin working. Then continue during and after work is completed. Hydrated muscles are less likely to become damaged. 

2) Eat light before being in the heat. Avoid dairies/sodas/alcohol before, during and after yard work. 

3) Keep your lawn equipment (mower, weed eater, blower, etc.) close to your body when in use to avoid heavy strain on your back.

4) Avoid reaching out too far! Move your feet to keep your body closer to the object or activity you are performing. Reaching out with weight puts extra strain on your back.

5) Do not snatch or jerk mower chords, take time and use caution. Fast motions are more likely to tear soft tissue.

6) Do not stand with your knees locked out and bend over to pick weeds. Instead, use a kneeling pad or gardening cart that can be purchased at your local hardware store. 

7) Use a blower instead of raking. If you must rake, to avoid back pain make short strokes and keep the rake close to your body. 

8) Use safety glasses (sunglasses). Eyes are not replaceable! 

9) Cool off in the shade for 10-15 minutes before entering a cooled house. 

10) Take frequent rests and water breaks!!!

Be safe and have a great summer!!!

Mark Ware PT/STC